ChatGPT Starter Pack
My friend and best-selling author, Mark Schaefer, was kind enough to include me in his recent post with some helpful tips for small business owners leveraging ChatGPT. My section is on how to use ChatGPT to attract the best candidates for a small business. In the post, you will find these excellent tips:
1. Discover hidden relationships that lead to sales
2. Have the world's greatest experts create your web copy
3. Rapidly apply genius new ideas to your business
4. Get organized
5. Forecast sales growth scenarios
6. Find ideal job candidates
7. Brainstorm new business ideas
8. Determine a competitive strategy
9. Create better sales presentations
10. Create an international presence
Oregon is rich with high quality product makers. Give something delicious and creative this season!
Happy New Year! Vow to make your business better in 2024 and try these tools to help you along the way.
I help companies overcome their barriers to growth through business diagnostics and strategy, education and e-commerce support.